Why It's Finally Time To Cancel Law & Order: SVU

Publish date: 2024-06-07

One of the most famous things that SVU did (or, really, any of the Law & Order series did) is showing a bunch of ripped-from-the-headline cases. Which was neat, right? Because it injected some realism into the show about ... sex crimes ... in New York City. Wait, what?

Yeah, see, the show doesn't actually need to feature Larger-Than-Life depictions of things that actually happened. But if it did, it would've been nice for them to actually, you know, contact the people the show was depicting, and maybe pay them? But instead, the show changed just enough of the stories so that it could talk about a man keeping a fourteen-year-old sex slave in his basement, but not really talk about it, because now it's fiction! Yeah, that case was a thing that really happened, and Law & Order's reaction to that was, "Well, cool, that'll be a good ratings boost!"

Look, even if you're not on board with the concept of "trigger warnings," you can probably understand how messed up it would be to see your most horrifying life experience melodramatically acted out on a semi-successful television show, just so the creators could pat themselves on the back for bringing "awareness" to your issue. At the very least, the creators could freaking pay you! But no, why not just line their own pockets with the sweet, sweet success of your suffering.
