Patrick Stewart, 72, live tweets his first slice of pizza: adorable or try-hard?

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Patrick Stewart

Ahhh, Patrick Stewart. The dude is not usually my type, but his gravelly voice makes me want to spit shine his adorable little head while murmuring, “Make it so, Number One.” Voices are important, you know.

Did you know what Captain Picard … er … Patrick …. is on Twitter? Well, he is, and he’s quite charming in the process. In fact, he’s tweeting a lot of sexy photos of himself (including a nice kilt shot, which I’ve included at the bottom of this post) and really embracing the social-media reality of today. Of particular interest is Stewart’s tweet of yesterday, which includes an incredible claim: “My first ever pizza ‘slice.’ Please note: the authentic NY fold.” In the above photo, Stewart is holding his folded pizza in one hand while drinking a wee soda and wearing a fetching, tight black t-shirt. Oh, and he’s also wearing a Montreal Canadiens hat too:

Patrick Stewart

Patrick Stewart

Let’s just assume that Stewart is poking fun at Michael Bloomberg’s “tiny soda” law, shall we? Clearly, Stewart is a fellow with a great sense of humor, and the tiny soda proves his ironic point. Still, I can’t believe that Captain Picard has never enjoyed pizza before in his entire life. Talk about a couple of wasted decades, right? Pizza is amazing, and I weep to think that “Ooh, captain!” has deprived himself of this special joy for so very long. Time to make up for lost time! Also, kilts.

Patrick Stewart

Patrick Stewart

Photos courtesy of Patrick Stewart’s Twitter page
