New Report: Jennifer Aniston initiated divorce, not Brad Pitt

Publish date: 2024-06-05

Jennifer Aniston

File this one under “Revisionist History.” Or, “Beating the Dead Horse,” depending on which team you’re on. Or perhaps the right heading for this is “Slow News Day for the Enquirer.” The National Enquirer claims it has a source who says, once and for all, that it was Jennifer Aniston who initiated the divorce with Brad Pitt, and not the other way around. In this new report, the source reveals that the couple never recovered from the trauma of an early miscarriage, and by the time Pitt lost his heart to Angelina Jolie, the couple was already done. Of course, “Once and for all” is a term that never applies to the BrangelinAniston story – how the heck do you expect these tabloid publishers to put their kids through college?

NOW IT CAN BE TOLD –the truth about Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s divorce that has been kept secret – until now!

Most fingers point at Angelina Jolie for triggering the Aniston/ Pitt split, but The ENQUIRER has learned that it was Jen who pulled the plug on their 4 1/2-year marriage!

According to an insider, Jen and Brad – who tied the knot in a splashy Malibu wedding in July 2000 – were having problems long before he flipped for Angelina while filming the action flick Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

“Jen was champing at the bit to divorce Brad long before they announced their separation in January 2005,” said an insider. “When Brad revealed the depth of his relationship with Angelina, it was painful for Jen, but she was almost relieved.”

The once-tight golden couple had drifted apart due to career demands and the fallout from a miscarriage that Jen suffered about two years into the marriage, according to the source.

“After Jen lost the baby, she and Brad could never again agree on when they would have kids, and they continued to grow apart,” said the insider.

In the end, Brad’s relationship with Angelina gave Jen an “out” for ending the marriage, said the source.

The couple had no prenuptial agreement, and the divorce was “pretty much a 50/50 California split,” said divorce attorney Seymour Reisman, who has handled numerous high profile and celebrity divorces.

“But Jennifer is the one who wanted out, and she worked it so that Brad was portrayed as the instigator. In the end, she got the sympathy, while Brad got Angelina Jolie and the label of ‘bad guy.'”

[From The National Enquirer]

Well, there you have it: the final word on the Pitt-Aniston marriage. Except for all of the recent comments made by Jennifer herself, which don’t really seem to support the claims this new “source” is making. If Jen was really looking for an out, and was “relieved” by Brad’s affair with Jolie, then why bring it all up again in recent interviews, including the notorious “Uncool” comments made to Vanity Fair?

The reality is, we will never know exactly what happened, no matter how many new “sources” the tabloids dig up. We can speculate all we want – and we certainly have so far. But let’s remember that this divorce happened four years ago. Why would a source hold onto this supposed information that long?

Here’s the former Mr. and Mrs. Brad Pitt, at the Emmy Awards in September 2004. Credits: PRPhotos.
Brad Pitt
