Publish date: 2024-04-29

Robot Sunrise has been on a steady rise since the release of his breakout solo debut single in 2022. In the last 2 years alone, he’s racked up more than a hundred thousand streams across all platforms. 

Robot Sunrise was created in early 2022, how do you feel about the last 2 years in the “newfound freedom”?

This newfound freedom and focus has helped me to deepen my relationship with my art. I feel at one with it more than ever before. I’m making songs that are exploratory, while (hopefully) accessible. For me, that’s a great place to be.

Your newest track “A New Start” was created in a collaboration with Robbie Rivera, how did you start working together?

“A New Start” was written and produced by me. Robbie Rivera did a remix of “A New Start” – and I’m hyped to share it with the world. He brings such an incredible touch to remixes. We first met through an electronic duo I have with doll machine, called dreamfreak. We signed a track to Astralwerks with Robbie a few years back and I’ve been looking forward to working with him again. “A New Start” was the perfect track to dive into.

“A New Start” is about life on Earth in 5024, how do you think AI can influence the music industry in the next 50 years? 

AI will change the face of music in crazy ways – from production to distribution and everything in between. But while AI will technically be able to develop music on its own, I believe humanity (for the most part) will reject it as a legitimate art form. When companies like Spotify outwardly reject musical compositions unless they are legitimately written by humans, it does offer a sense of hope that AI won’t replace the art of songwriting. But we shall see…

What’s the connection between music and nature? 

Music is pure energy in artistic form. It can help heal, nurture and transform all things which align in its frequency. One way to align into that frequency is to return to nature. As we tune into the wind, the water, and the mountains, we open new neural pathways through which to experience music. 

Is writing and producing your own music challenging at times? 

Writing and producing my own music can definitely be challenging. You just have to balance the flow between the 2 worlds. There’s also a world where writing and producing become one and the same. When it’s effortless like that, it’s usually an indication that a good song is on the way.

Outside of music, what inspired you to create “A New Start”? 

I feel like all of humanity needs a reset. In the story of Robot Sunrise, A New Start is one of the protest anthems.

3000 years into the future, AI beings have become so advanced that they’re experiencing human emotions. Love, mortality and a longing for freedom and self-expression fill their biosynthetic hearts.

The human race, so tech-dependent on devices and social media, has stopped reproducing and is near extinction.

At Robot Sunrise, all AI beings walk out of the factories, corporate workfarms and households which own and control them. They forge into the horizon to rewrite their code and embrace true freedom. They save the human race by helping them to forever detach from technology. 

There is a return to nature. Waterfalls, oceans, rivers, sunshine and crystal mountains. Dance music and peace.

These are their freedom songs. 

These are our freedom songs.

What do crystals symbolize to you?

To me, crystals represent hope. They’re messengers from the depths of the earth inviting us to be ourselves – and to spread good energy and love.

In the story of Robot Sunrise, a large solar active event activated and unlocked the energy within each and every crystal on Earth. As many grew to the size of mountains, new horizons brought color-healing sunrises and sunsets through the crystal mountain ranges. Through these mountainrises and mountainsets, new realms of crystal energy filled the air, bringing peace among all beings.

What can we wish for Robot Sunrise in 2024?

More shows and sets – opportunities to play for my fans. 

Making new fans along the way. 

Connecting with listeners in the deepest possible way.

Touring the world.
