Five Things You Didnt Know about Drew Barrymore

Publish date: 2024-05-22

Going The Distance - World Film Premiere: Outside Arrivals

Can you even imagine what is must be like to be Drew Barrymore? To have grown up on camera since you were five years old? Truth is, she sort of kickstarted the whole “troubled teen in Hollywood” movement by getting into some dark stuff, very early in her career. But what you will come to see about this actress is, she had the soul and spirit to overcome everything that was thrown at her, and won America’s heart in the process. Here are five things you (maybe) didn’t know about Drew Barrymore.

7 Years Old When She First Hosted SNL

That is one we just cannot wrap our minds around. Doing a live show, that tapes at midnight, and yet she was only seven years old. Do you even know of the pressures that go along with hosting that show? Learning all your lines, pulling it all of in front of a live audience. Most adults would choke. But Drew made it look easy. She has also gone on to host several times since. She was also the first female to host six times. Not too shabby.

She Was An Alcoholic at age 13

Another one that almost hurts your brain to try to think about. Sadly, Drew Barrymore grew up in a strange family in a strange city and had fame thrown at her. This resulted with her experimenting (and becoming addicted) to more things by her early teens than most people would their whole lives. Like we said, she set the template for stars like Lindsay Lohan. Only difference being, Drew shaped up and came through it all shining and stronger.

Wrote Her Memoir at 15

So, what we are essentially learning here is, Drew lived a full lifetime pretty much by the time she was a teenager. The book, called Little Girl Lost, was all about how she spiraled out of control and didn’t have the support structure she needed at the time. But it is also about overcoming those things. What were you doing at fifteen? Just saying.

She has 21 Exes (that we know of)

To say Drew Barrymore has dated every man in Hollywood and in the music business would be a slight exaggeration, but only slight. Not even kidding. From the handsome super stars to the downright odd (Andy Dick?), Drew has never had trouble landing a man. She just doesn’t choose to keep them very long. There 21 one of them. Yes, 21 of her exes.

Her Mom Sold Her Baby Clothes on Ebay

As mentioned above four times, Drew had a rough upbringing. Her relationship with her Mom didn’t help at all. Jaid and her have since pretty much fallen out of touch for various reasons. But it only got worse when Drew found out her mom was selling her old baby clothes on Ebay.  You read all that and it almost plays out like a tragedy. Thing is, it didn’t. It didn’t because she turned her life around, took the reigns, and didn’t let go. Look at her now, decades later, and she is still starring in major movies and winning the world over with that smile. Just shows you, life can be rough, but never give up on yourself.

(Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images)
