Did Alex Murdaugh play football at USC? Attorney mentions college knee injury during testimony

Publish date: 2024-05-29

Alex Murdaugh, currently on a murder trial for the death of his wife, Maggie, and youngest son, Paul, took the stand on Thursday, February 23, 2023, and admitted to lying about his whereabouts on the night of the murder and stealing from his law firm and his clients.

Alex Murdaugh blamed a string of lies on years of opioid addiction from a knee injury he suffered while playing football in college. Murdaugh claimed that in both instances, his judgment was clouded as he could not think clearly while under the influence of prescription drugs.

It appears Murdaugh did play football for the University of South Carolina, where he suffered a knee injury. As per Distractify, during the trial, Chris Wilson, Murdaugh's best friend, testified that the suspect did sustain a knee injury while playing college football.

Alex Murdaugh chooses to testify despite the judge denying his attorney's motion to limit the scope of cross-examination

As per CNN on Thursday, Alex Murdaugh was sworn in to take the stand after he informed Judge Clifton Newman that he wanted to testify despite the judge denying the defense motion to stop prosecutors from cross-examining Murdaugh on his financial crimes.

The defense argued that Murdaugh's financial crimes had no bearing on the murder trial. However, prosecutors contended that it was a possible motive for the killings. Shortly before the double homicide, Murdaugh, a partner at a law firm founded by his ancestors, was fired after the other partners discovered that he stole millions from his clients and firm as he was drowning in debt.

Prosecutors argued that Murdaugh killed his family to gain sympathy and avoid being exposed in the community for his alleged financial crimes. While on the stand, Murdaugh admitted to stealing from his law firm and clients, which led to his resignation.

During the trial, defense attorney Jim Griffin asked Murdaugh how he got himself into a messy situation, to which Murdaugh responded:

“I’m not quite sure how I let myself get where I got.”

Murdaugh then went on to mention his opioid addiction from a knee injury he sustained as a football player and said:

“I battled that addiction for so many years. I was spending so much money on pills.”

During the testimony, Alex Murdaugh also revealed for the first time that he had lied to the SLED agents leading the investigation into the deaths of his wife, Maggie, and youngest son, Paul, who were shot multiple times on the family's hunting estate in June 2021.

After repeatedly denying that he was present at the crime scene minutes before the double homicide, Murdaugh finally admitted that he lied about not being with his wife and son before they were killed, adding that he, however, did not kill them.

Alex Murdaugh has maintained his innocence against the murder charges. If convicted, Murdaugh faces a minimum of 30 years in prison.

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