Did 5SOS break up? Twitter erupts as Luke Hemmings teases upcoming solo music

Publish date: 2024-05-21

5 Seconds of Summer (5SOS) has made the news once again, only this time it's about their lead singer, Luke Hemmings

The Australian-origin pop-rock band have been making strides since they began in the end of 2011, featuring in the headlines for their burst in popularity after the release of their debut album, "She Looks So Perfect."

They've managed to stay afloat in the industry and carve out a place for themselves since then, but with a long-lasting popularity and an active fanbase, there are bound to be some rumors floating around as well.

The latest member of 5SOS to create social media buzz is Luke Hemmings, the lead vocalist and main rhythm guitarist of the band. His change in behavior on social media has got fans talking, with rumors of a 5SOS disbandment circulating around fan community circles.

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Are 5SOS parting ways?

Talks among fan communities began to bubble up when 5SOS' Luke Hemmings changed his website's layout and uploaded pictures of him working in a music studio alone. As 5SOS hasn't released music since their 2020 album "Calm," fans jumped to the conclusion that Luke had split from the group or that the group had disbanded.

No, they're not breaking up

In fact, Luke Hemmings was seen on 5SOS member Michael's Instagram story just a few days ago with the rest of the band, all of them hanging out in a music studio.

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The mysterious message on Luke Hemmings' story and the pictures he posted are all teasers for his upcoming solo album. He tweeted out a teaser for the song on his official Twitter account, along with information regarding the release date and timings.

Once fans realized, they took to Twitter to share their excited reactions in anticipation of the drop with other members of the 5SOS fan community.

This isn't the first instance of a 5SOS member coming out with a solo album. Ashton Irwin, the drummer of the band, released his own album titled "Superbloom" in October 2020. Needless to say, fans are extremely happy with the surprise news of Luke's solo album and are looking forward to its release.

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