David Boreanaz admits cheating on wife, was it with Rachel Uchitel?

Publish date: 2024-06-02


Way back in the day (circa October 2009), a little-known woman named Rachel Uchitel was rumored to be having an affair with the very married David Boreanaz, star of Bones. The original story has David cheating on his wife Jamie while she was pregnant with their daughter, and I believe Rachel may have dumped David when she hooked a bigger fish – Tiger Woods. It was only five weeks later that Rachel became the first publicized mistress of Tiger Woods. Ah, memories.

Anyway, People Magazine released an exclusive interview with David late Monday, in which he confirmed that yes, he had cheated on his wife. He doesn’t name his mistress, but he does say that he feared his mistress was trying to blackmail him or extort him:

Bones star David Boreanaz is opening up about reports that he has been unfaithful to his wife of nearly nine years, Jaime Bergman.

“Our marriage has been tainted with my infidelities,” the actor admits to PEOPLE. “I just want to be open and honest. I was irresponsible.”

The actor, 40, is coming forward, he says, because a former mistress, whom he declines to name, contacted an attorney and threatened to contact media outlets.

“I was associated with a woman who I was involved with and had a relationship with,” he says. “She asked for money. I felt as though I was being blackmailed or there was some sort of extortion.”

Now, with the news of his infidelities out in the open, Boreanaz is getting down to the difficult task of salvaging his relationship with his wife.

“We’re working on our marriage,” he says. “We’re working on repairing what has been damaged so badly.”

[From People]

TMZ says David is not referring to Rachel, but an unknown woman that he hooked up “2 or 3 times”. Radar, however, says that the woman is Rachel. Also, whoever this woman may be, she’s being represented by Gloria Allred. So… yikes. As far as David’ confession of infidelity, I always believed he was doing Uchitel (even though many of you did not), so I’m only surprised by the strange p.r. strategy at play. Rumor was that Uchitel got a multi-million dollar pay-off from Tiger, so was she still trying to get money from David? If she was, she is one dumb hooker. Of course, it turns out that David’s no prize either. I hope his wife has already forgiven him, and is prepared to ride the sh-tstorm out.



Header: Star’s exclusive photo of David and Rachel, courtesy of Star Magazine online. Uchitel in LA on March 27, 2010. David and Jamie on April 22, 2010. Credit: WENN.
