Contract details explored as ESPN fires NBA analyst

Publish date: 2024-06-05

Mark Jackson joined the list of employees ESPN has let go over the past month. The longtime commentator and analyst was fired on Monday despite two years left in his contract. The question now is how much is Jackson's net worth following his firing from the network?

Jackson's contract value with ESPN remains undisclosed, but he signed a multi-year deal in 2017. He started his broadcasting career with the network in 2006 and left in 2011 to take the Golden State Warriors coaching job. He returned to ESPN in 2014 and has been calling NBA games with Jeff Van Gundy and Mike Breen ever since.

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Jackson has an estimated net worth of $6 million. Most of his net worth came from his earnings in the NBA, his work as an analyst for ESPN and his coaching gig with the Warriors between 2011 and 2014.

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Jackson earned an estimated $38.9 million from his NBA career that spanned 14 years. Jackson's highest annual salary was $4 million in the 1999-00 season with the Indiana Pacers.

The 58-year-old former NBA player's salary with ESPN from 2006 to 2011, as well as 2017 to 2013, is undisclosed. However, it's probably worth millions considering the popularity of his partnership with Jeff Van Gundy and Mike Breen. The trio called a total of 15 NBA Finals together.

Jackson's contract with the Golden State Warriors was reportedly worth $8 million for four years. He was fired with one year remaining in his contract, so a buyout likely happened.

With Jackson out at ESPN, it will be interesting to see if he goes for another broadcasting job or returns to coaching. He has been sought out by several NBA teams over the last few years but chose to remain on television rather than be on the sidelines.

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Mark Jackson releases statement after ESPN firing

Mark Jackson during his time with the Golden State Warriors

Mark Jackson was surprised that ESPN fired him even though he has two years left in his contract.

Jackson released a statement several hours after the network fired him on Monday. Things didn't look good for Mark Jackson when ESPN fired his broadcast partner Jeff Van Gundy in June.

"Although shocked and dismayed with the suddenness of it all, I would like to thank ESPN and all the staff of the NBA ESPN crew," of or allowing me to be a part of the organization for the past 15+ years," Jackson said. "It has been an honor to sit beside two LEGENDS in the business, who are like brothers to me, Mike Breen and Jeff Van Gundy, and learn so much from them."

According to reports, ESPN will retain Breen's services and continue with him as a play-by-play commentator. He will likely be joined by Doris Burke and former Philadelphia 76ers coach Doc Rivers.

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