azure.core.exceptions Azure SDK for Python 2.0.0 documentation

Publish date: 2024-04-16
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the ""Software""), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED *AS IS*, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import annotations import json import logging import sys from types import TracebackType from typing import ( Callable, Any, Optional, Union, Type, List, Mapping, TypeVar, Generic, Dict, NoReturn, TYPE_CHECKING, ) from typing_extensions import Protocol, runtime_checkable _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) if TYPE_CHECKING: from azure.core.pipeline.policies import RequestHistory HTTPResponseType = TypeVar("HTTPResponseType") HTTPRequestType = TypeVar("HTTPRequestType") KeyType = TypeVar("KeyType") ValueType = TypeVar("ValueType") # To replace when typing.Self is available in our baseline SelfODataV4Format = TypeVar("SelfODataV4Format", bound="ODataV4Format") __all__ = [ "AzureError", "ServiceRequestError", "ServiceResponseError", "HttpResponseError", "DecodeError", "ResourceExistsError", "ResourceNotFoundError", "ClientAuthenticationError", "ResourceModifiedError", "ResourceNotModifiedError", "TooManyRedirectsError", "ODataV4Format", "ODataV4Error", "StreamConsumedError", "StreamClosedError", "ResponseNotReadError", "SerializationError", "DeserializationError", ] def raise_with_traceback(exception: Callable, *args: Any, message: str = "", **kwargs: Any) -> NoReturn:  """Raise exception with a specified traceback.  This MUST be called inside a "except" clause.  .. note:: This method is deprecated since we don't support Python 2 anymore. Use raise/from instead.  :param Exception exception: Error type to be raised.  :param any args: Any additional args to be included with exception.  :keyword str message: Message to be associated with the exception. If omitted, defaults to an empty string.  """ exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() # If not called inside an "except", exc_type will be None. Assume it will not happen if exc_type is None: raise ValueError("raise_with_traceback can only be used in except clauses") exc_msg = "{}, {}: {}".format(message, exc_type.__name__, exc_value) error = exception(exc_msg, *args, **kwargs) try: raise error.with_traceback(exc_traceback) # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from except AttributeError: # Python 2 error.__traceback__ = exc_traceback raise error # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from @runtime_checkable class _HttpResponseCommonAPI(Protocol):  """Protocol used by exceptions for HTTP response.  As HttpResponseError uses very few properties of HttpResponse, a protocol  is faster and simpler than import all the possible types (at least 6).  """ @property def reason(self) -> Optional[str]: ... @property def status_code(self) -> Optional[int]: ... def text(self) -> str: ... @property def request(self) -> object: # object as type, since all we need is str() on it ... class ErrorMap(Generic[KeyType, ValueType]):  """Error Map class. To be used in map_error method, behaves like a dictionary.  It returns the error type if it is found in custom_error_map. Or return default_error  :param dict custom_error_map: User-defined error map, it is used to map status codes to error types.  :keyword error default_error: Default error type. It is returned if the status code is not found in custom_error_map  """ def __init__( self, # pylint: disable=unused-argument custom_error_map: Optional[Mapping[KeyType, ValueType]] = None, *, default_error: Optional[ValueType] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self._custom_error_map = custom_error_map or {} self._default_error = default_error def get(self, key: KeyType) -> Optional[ValueType]: ret = self._custom_error_map.get(key) if ret: return ret return self._default_error def map_error( status_code: int, response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI, error_map: Mapping[int, Type[HttpResponseError]] ) -> None: if not error_map: return error_type = error_map.get(status_code) if not error_type: return error = error_type(response=response) raise error [docs]class ODataV4Format:  """Class to describe OData V4 error format.  Example of JSON:  .. code-block:: json  {  "error": {  "code": "ValidationError",  "message": "One or more fields contain incorrect values: ",  "details": [  {  "code": "ValidationError",  "target": "representation",  "message": "Parsing error(s): String '' does not match regex pattern '^[^{}/ :]+(?: :\\\\d+)?$'.  Path 'host', line 1, position 297."  },  {  "code": "ValidationError",  "target": "representation",  "message": "Parsing error(s): The input OpenAPI file is not valid for the OpenAPI specificate  https: //  (schema"  }  ]  }  }  :param dict json_object: A Python dict representing a ODataV4 JSON  :ivar str ~.code: Its value is a service-defined error code.  This code serves as a sub-status for the HTTP error code specified in the response.  :ivar str message: Human-readable, language-dependent representation of the error.  :ivar str target: The target of the particular error (for example, the name of the property in error).  This field is optional and may be None.  :ivar list[ODataV4Format] details: Array of ODataV4Format instances that MUST contain name/value pairs  for code and message, and MAY contain a name/value pair for target, as described above.  :ivar dict innererror: An object. The contents of this object are service-defined.  Usually this object contains information that will help debug the service.  """ CODE_LABEL = "code" MESSAGE_LABEL = "message" TARGET_LABEL = "target" DETAILS_LABEL = "details" INNERERROR_LABEL = "innererror" def __init__(self, json_object: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: if "error" in json_object: json_object = json_object["error"] cls: Type[ODataV4Format] = self.__class__ # Required fields, but assume they could be missing still to be robust self.code: Optional[str] = json_object.get(cls.CODE_LABEL) self.message: Optional[str] = json_object.get(cls.MESSAGE_LABEL) if not (self.code or self.message): raise ValueError("Impossible to extract code/message from received JSON:\n" + json.dumps(json_object)) # Optional fields Optional[str] = json_object.get(cls.TARGET_LABEL) # details is recursive of this very format self.details: List[ODataV4Format] = [] for detail_node in json_object.get(cls.DETAILS_LABEL) or []: try: self.details.append(self.__class__(detail_node)) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass self.innererror: Mapping[str, Any] = json_object.get(cls.INNERERROR_LABEL, {}) @property def error(self: SelfODataV4Format) -> SelfODataV4Format: import warnings warnings.warn( "error.error from azure exceptions is deprecated, just simply use 'error' once", DeprecationWarning, ) return self def __str__(self) -> str: return "({}) {}\n{}".format(self.code, self.message, self.message_details()) [docs] def message_details(self) -> str:  """Return a detailed string of the error.  :return: A string with the details of the error.  :rtype: str  """ error_str = "Code: {}".format(self.code) error_str += "\nMessage: {}".format(self.message) if error_str += "\nTarget: {}".format( if self.details: error_str += "\nException Details:" for error_obj in self.details: # Indent for visibility error_str += "\n".join("\t" + s for s in str(error_obj).splitlines()) if self.innererror: error_str += "\nInner error: {}".format(json.dumps(self.innererror, indent=4)) return error_str [docs]class AzureError(Exception):  """Base exception for all errors.  :param object message: The message object stringified as 'message' attribute  :keyword error: The original exception if any  :paramtype error: Exception  :ivar inner_exception: The exception passed with the 'error' kwarg  :vartype inner_exception: Exception  :ivar exc_type: The exc_type from sys.exc_info()  :ivar exc_value: The exc_value from sys.exc_info()  :ivar exc_traceback: The exc_traceback from sys.exc_info()  :ivar exc_msg: A string formatting of message parameter, exc_type and exc_value  :ivar str message: A stringified version of the message parameter  :ivar str continuation_token: A token reference to continue an incomplete operation. This value is optional  and will be `None` where continuation is either unavailable or not applicable.  """ def __init__(self, message: Optional[object], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.inner_exception: Optional[BaseException] = kwargs.get("error") exc_info = sys.exc_info() self.exc_type: Optional[Type[Any]] = exc_info[0] self.exc_value: Optional[BaseException] = exc_info[1] self.exc_traceback: Optional[TracebackType] = exc_info[2] self.exc_type = self.exc_type if self.exc_type else type(self.inner_exception) self.exc_msg: str = "{}, {}: {}".format(message, self.exc_type.__name__, self.exc_value) self.message: str = str(message) self.continuation_token: Optional[str] = kwargs.get("continuation_token") super(AzureError, self).__init__(self.message, *args) [docs] def raise_with_traceback(self) -> None:  """Raise the exception with the existing traceback.  .. deprecated:: 1.22.0  This method is deprecated as we don't support Python 2 anymore. Use raise/from instead.  """ try: raise super(AzureError, self).with_traceback(self.exc_traceback) # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from except AttributeError: self.__traceback__: Optional[TracebackType] = self.exc_traceback raise self # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from [docs]class ServiceRequestError(AzureError):  """An error occurred while attempt to make a request to the service.  No request was sent.  """ [docs]class ServiceResponseError(AzureError):  """The request was sent, but the client failed to understand the response.  The connection may have timed out. These errors can be retried for idempotent or  safe operations""" class ServiceRequestTimeoutError(ServiceRequestError):  """Error raised when timeout happens""" class ServiceResponseTimeoutError(ServiceResponseError):  """Error raised when timeout happens""" [docs]class HttpResponseError(AzureError):  """A request was made, and a non-success status code was received from the service.  :param object message: The message object stringified as 'message' attribute  :param response: The response that triggered the exception.  :type response: ~azure.core.pipeline.transport.HttpResponse or ~azure.core.pipeline.transport.AsyncHttpResponse  :ivar reason: The HTTP response reason  :vartype reason: str  :ivar status_code: HttpResponse's status code  :vartype status_code: int  :ivar response: The response that triggered the exception.  :vartype response: ~azure.core.pipeline.transport.HttpResponse or ~azure.core.pipeline.transport.AsyncHttpResponse  :ivar model: The request body/response body model  :vartype model: ~msrest.serialization.Model  :ivar error: The formatted error  :vartype error: ODataV4Format  """ def __init__( self, message: Optional[object] = None, response: Optional[_HttpResponseCommonAPI] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: # Don't want to document this one yet. error_format = kwargs.get("error_format", ODataV4Format) self.reason: Optional[str] = None self.status_code: Optional[int] = None self.response: Optional[_HttpResponseCommonAPI] = response if response: self.reason = response.reason self.status_code = response.status_code # old autorest are setting "error" before calling __init__, so it might be there already # transferring into self.model model: Optional[Any] = kwargs.pop("model", None) self.model: Optional[Any] if model is not None: # autorest v5 self.model = model else: # autorest azure-core, for KV 1.0, Storage 12.0, etc. self.model = getattr(self, "error", None) self.error: Optional[ODataV4Format] = self._parse_odata_body(error_format, response) # By priority, message is: # - odatav4 message, OR # - parameter "message", OR # - generic meassage using "reason" if self.error: message = str(self.error) else: message = message or "Operation returned an invalid status '{}'".format(self.reason) super(HttpResponseError, self).__init__(message=message, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _parse_odata_body( error_format: Type[ODataV4Format], response: Optional[_HttpResponseCommonAPI] ) -> Optional[ODataV4Format]: try: # odata_json = json.loads(response.text()) # type: ignore return error_format(odata_json) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # If the body is not JSON valid, just stop now pass return None def __str__(self) -> str: retval = super(HttpResponseError, self).__str__() try: # body = self.response.text() # type: ignore if body and not self.error: return "{}\nContent: {}".format(retval, body)[:2048] except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass return retval [docs]class DecodeError(HttpResponseError):  """Error raised during response deserialization.""" class IncompleteReadError(DecodeError):  """Error raised if peer closes the connection before we have received the complete message body.""" [docs]class ResourceExistsError(HttpResponseError):  """An error response with status code 4xx.  This will not be raised directly by the Azure core pipeline.""" [docs]class ResourceNotFoundError(HttpResponseError):  """An error response, typically triggered by a 412 response (for update) or 404 (for get/post)""" [docs]class ClientAuthenticationError(HttpResponseError):  """An error response with status code 4xx.  This will not be raised directly by the Azure core pipeline.""" [docs]class ResourceModifiedError(HttpResponseError):  """An error response with status code 4xx, typically 412 Conflict.  This will not be raised directly by the Azure core pipeline.""" [docs]class ResourceNotModifiedError(HttpResponseError):  """An error response with status code 304.  This will not be raised directly by the Azure core pipeline.""" [docs]class TooManyRedirectsError(HttpResponseError, Generic[HTTPRequestType, HTTPResponseType]):  """Reached the maximum number of redirect attempts.  :param history: The history of requests made while trying to fulfill the request.  :type history: list[~azure.core.pipeline.policies.RequestHistory]  """ def __init__( self, history: "List[RequestHistory[HTTPRequestType, HTTPResponseType]]", *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: self.history = history message = "Reached maximum redirect attempts." super(TooManyRedirectsError, self).__init__(message, *args, **kwargs) [docs]class ODataV4Error(HttpResponseError):  """An HTTP response error where the JSON is decoded as OData V4 error format.  :param response: The response object.  :ivar dict odata_json: The parsed JSON body as attribute for convenience.  :ivar str ~.code: Its value is a service-defined error code.  This code serves as a sub-status for the HTTP error code specified in the response.  :ivar str message: Human-readable, language-dependent representation of the error.  :ivar str target: The target of the particular error (for example, the name of the property in error).  This field is optional and may be None.  :ivar list[ODataV4Format] details: Array of ODataV4Format instances that MUST contain name/value pairs  for code and message, and MAY contain a name/value pair for target, as described above.  :ivar dict innererror: An object. The contents of this object are service-defined.  Usually this object contains information that will help debug the service.  """ _ERROR_FORMAT = ODataV4Format def __init__(self, response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # Ensure field are declared, whatever can happen afterwards self.odata_json: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None try: self.odata_json = json.loads(response.text()) odata_message = self.odata_json.setdefault("error", {}).get("message") except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # If the body is not JSON valid, just stop now odata_message = None self.code: Optional[str] = None message: Optional[str] = kwargs.get("message", odata_message) Optional[str] = None self.details: Optional[List[Any]] = [] self.innererror: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = {} if message and "message" not in kwargs: kwargs["message"] = message super(ODataV4Error, self).__init__(response=response, **kwargs) self._error_format: Optional[Union[str, ODataV4Format]] = None if self.odata_json: try: error_node = self.odata_json["error"] self._error_format = self._ERROR_FORMAT(error_node) self.__dict__.update({k: v for k, v in self._error_format.__dict__.items() if v is not None}) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except"Received error message was not valid OdataV4 format.") self._error_format = "JSON was invalid for format " + str(self._ERROR_FORMAT) def __str__(self) -> str: if self._error_format: return str(self._error_format) return super(ODataV4Error, self).__str__() [docs]class StreamConsumedError(AzureError):  """Error thrown if you try to access the stream of a response once consumed.  It is thrown if you try to read / stream an or once the response's stream has been consumed.  :param response: The response that triggered the exception.  :type response: or  """ def __init__(self, response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI) -> None: message = ( "You are attempting to read or stream the content from request {}. " "You have likely already consumed this stream, so it can not be accessed anymore.".format(response.request) ) super(StreamConsumedError, self).__init__(message) [docs]class StreamClosedError(AzureError):  """Error thrown if you try to access the stream of a response once closed.  It is thrown if you try to read / stream an or once the response's stream has been closed.  :param response: The response that triggered the exception.  :type response: or  """ def __init__(self, response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI) -> None: message = ( "The content for response from request {} can no longer be read or streamed, since the " "response has already been closed.".format(response.request) ) super(StreamClosedError, self).__init__(message) [docs]class ResponseNotReadError(AzureError):  """Error thrown if you try to access a response's content without reading first.  It is thrown if you try to access an or's content without first reading the response's bytes in first.  :param response: The response that triggered the exception.  :type response: or  """ def __init__(self, response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI) -> None: message = ( "You have not read in the bytes for the response from request {}. " "Call .read() on the response first.".format(response.request) ) super(ResponseNotReadError, self).__init__(message) [docs]class SerializationError(ValueError):  """Raised if an error is encountered during serialization.""" [docs]class DeserializationError(ValueError):  """Raised if an error is encountered during deserialization.""" 
